Thursday, September 3, 2020

Childhood drawings

Do you have an attic crammed full with your children's artwork? Have you started to separate those to treasure from those to throw away? It's quite difficult, as any parent could attest. 

I know Marie Kondo recommends keeping only things that give you joy. Well, what if they all do? Or, worse, what if your child one day asks for the very ones that you have been tempted to put through the shredder? 

Well, with digital technology you don't have to decide. At least not right away. You can keep them on a hard drive, a USB stick, or in other repository you have handy. And if you have enough time, or energy, you can even categorize them for future search and retrieval.

I took photos of some of my daughter's childhood drawings and put them into a slideshow. When I have a second here or there, I would play it and relive her obsessions with unicorns, dinosaurs, mice, birds, Ariel the mermaid, and pet cat Chico. Ah childhood memories, they are priceless!

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