Sunday, August 25, 2019

Walking - with or without shoes

I remember a man who always cut a distinctive figure around Richmond (including Steveston) - not so much for his long, wispy grey hair, nor his clothing that didn't quite match the seasons, but for his bare feet.

For years, he could be seen on the streets - with no protective footwear - treading on sizzling sidewalks in the summer and freezing footpaths in the winter as though inured to discomfort and pain.

Observing him from afar, I thought he appeared determined to get somewhere fast. There was an intensity to his stride as he hurried to his destination.

Then one day, much to my surprise and relief, he started wearing shoes. 

Nothing else had changed. He still looked and behaved pretty much the same. Except his feet were cushioned against the earth. I bet there was quite a story behind this happy change. However it has been months since I have seen him - with or without shoes - and the story may never be revealed any time soon.

In the meantime, I am keeping my fingers crossed that all is well with him and a brighter future awaits him wherever he may be.

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